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Pet Hall of Fame

Welcome to Pets of Fame, where your beloved pet can become a star! If you've had your pet's photo printed with our custom wood prints, we invite you to feature them on our page. Share their charm, personality, and unique moments with our community. Whether they're a playful pup, a curious cat, a majestic horse, or any other beloved animal, we want to celebrate every pet's story. Submit your photo and let your furry friend shine!

Photo block displaying a black and tan dog wearing a red bandana.

My name is Olive

My favorite snack is Scooby Snack. My favorite toy is my squeaky blue ball. My biggest food heist has been 17 chocolate chip cookies, I ate them all in under 8 minutes. I definitely attack UPS and Amazon peeps. I can dance, but only for Scooby snacks, I don't work for free.

Order Maple Photo Block

Photo block featuring a white shaggy dog against a turquoise blue backdrop.

My name is Monty

My favorite way to wake up my human is by checking my Crypto at 6am. Special tricks include, running a restaurant empire and shaking. I dream of my superpower which is flying with the birds I chase. My favorite treat is popcorn. I love going to the salon and lounging by the pool.

Order Black Walnut Photo Block

Happy terrier mix dog wearing a harness with tongue sticking out.

My name is Poppy

My favorite treat is Pupperonis. I like to bury all the toys dad brings home. I would never steal anything off the kitchen counter because I can't reach. Everyone is my friend as long as they rub my belly. My signature trick is googly eyes.

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Scruffy black and brown terrier-mix dog sitting on grass.

My name is Smokey Jones

Licking my paws is how I wake up my human. Talents are, showing up like a chupacabra. Favorite treats are Tater tots. Play fetch? No, ignore the ball. I think the mailman is so suss. If I could speak human I'd say "Que pasa porque soy Smokey Jones Tecate?"

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Shaggy black and brown dog with a curly coat wearing a red patterned leash.

My name is Hogan

My favorite treats are Trader Joe's chicken jerky. I play with anything that has a squeaker (currently a squirrel). I've stolen pizza from the kitchen counter more than once. The mailman is public enemy #1. My signature trick is "patty cake".

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Brown dog wearing a purple collar standing on dirt or sand.

My name is Ginger

My favorite word is cookie. I love anything and everything but especially cheese. I'm not allowed in the lunch room becuase I steal all the food. I like to go hiking or to the beach. I love to steal toys and play chase to show how fast I am.

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Black and white photograph of a scruffy-looking terrier dog with wispy white fur.

My name is Max

I loved working on the polo field. My favorite toy was a soft, plush stuffed rabbit. I loved when we went on road trips. I really liked to listen to reggae music. The most ridiculous thing I ever tried to eat was a cheese pizza.

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Black and white hexagonal photograph of a dog wearing a collar labeled ’Coachella’.

My name is Rico

I love running and playing fetch. Favorite toy is my squeaky ball. I have a favorite spot nestled in the corner of the couch where I can keep my eye on everything. I love heavy metal. Once I ate a whole loaf of bread.

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Heart-shaped photo print featuring a black and white portrait of a whippet or greyhound dog.

My name is Penelope

I loved lounging around the house. My favorite toy was my dog bone. My favorite spot for napping was right by my dad. I loved Techno music! I would always try to steal people's hats.

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Close-up photograph of a shaggy dog’s nose and mouth showing teeth.

My name is Mordecai

My special power is being the fastest spinning dog in the world. Watch my little dance and give me a piece of cheese. The couch is my throne. Playing fetch is my favorite. I'll bring the ball to you and wait for you to throw it!

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Canvas print featuring a shaggy dog resting on a gray upholstered chair.

My name is Nala

I jump on my human and lick her face until she wakes up. I'm very talented at playing hide and seek. My favorite treat is dehydrated sweet potato bites! I never break the rules. I squek the tennis ball until it annoys mom so she HAS to play with me!

Order Vintage Matte Print

Black dog wearing a yellow flower crown and collar.

My name is Bowie

My special talent is I can open doors with my paws. The only treat I want is bacon. One time I stole an entire roast chicken off the kitchen counter. If I could speak human, I would say "You know, I could help with the cooking if you'd let me."

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